Our specialty is large solar farms - on roofs of industrial buildings or on land - most of them developed in Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg and Germany. We occasionally do residential solar projects as well.
- Technical projects for construction and grid connection
- Procurement of materials and equipments
- Construction of electrical infrastructure
- Ramming of steel structures
- Mounting structures, panels, cables
- Mounting inverters and transformers
- Mounting AC / DC cables
- Grid connections
- Test protocol
Here you'll find general information about solar panels but also very specific articles on issues that we usually confront with while mounting and installing solar panels. We'll also publish posts related to the green energy, perpetual motion, physics and inventions.
Most of the content is written by me - Constantin Gabor - but I'll also outsource ideas from my fellow colleagues and friends, and from other websites (or print publications).
This website is a discussion. So if you have any idea or critique or any other input, feel free to leave a comment or contact us.
Thank you for your visit!